by Naomi Rutledge | Jan 14, 2015 | Articles
The first horror novel I ever read stayed with me in a way that no movie ever has. I was haunted by the very visceral descriptions of mutilations and murders my mind had created. Human brains are capable of creating such powerful illusions that for and least a few...
by Naomi Rutledge | Dec 5, 2014 | Articles, Confessions of a Porniac, Sex & Science
I have a confession to make. I am thoroughly grossed out by any fluid that comes out of the human body, and I am baffled by the loving kindness shown to sexual fluids in particular. Personally, I’m out of the danger zone before there is even an option to spit or...
by Naomi Rutledge | May 31, 2014 | Videos
Banned From MTV Music has always been a medium for exploring the crucial elements of what it means to be alive, but sometimes those ideas make people very uncomfortable. With the advent of music videos, one channel, MTV became the gatekeeper through which almost all...
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