by Naomi Rutledge | Sep 30, 2014 | Comics
Have you ever noticed how absolutely ridiculous the video descriptions for porn are? What if we spoke like that about everyday things in our life? Personally, I’d rather narrate my life like a romance novel.
by Naomi Rutledge | Sep 23, 2014 | Articles, Snickers
Purple Milk, made up of Natalia Leite and Alexandra Roxo, is the production company behind an impressive body of work that has been featured on Vice, Vogue, and the Wall St. Journal. Their work, which artfully considers topics not many are willing to explore, spans...
by Naomi Rutledge | Sep 16, 2014 | Articles, Sex & Science
What is the secret to a reliable, quick orgasm? A number of websites will regale you with tips and tricks to ensure a climax every time, but only one organization, OneTaste will claim it as a possible side effect of their practice, Orgasmic Meditation. I found out...
by Naomi Rutledge | Sep 8, 2014 | Articles, Sex & Science
Teledildonics is more than just a funny word. It’s a funny concept. It encompasses any sex toy that can be controlled by a computer and it leads most people to thinking about Demolition Man. But with the rise in online dating and technology that lets couples...
by Naomi Rutledge | Sep 2, 2014 | Articles
When talking about sellouts, most people think of an indie band gone mainstream, not of a credit card processor with over $300 million in transactions daily, but what most people don’t know is that Paypal, the ultimate sell out, became the successful monopoly...
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